Insurance Products

We take pride in our consultative approach; at Griffin MacLean Insurance Agency we take the time to understand your changing insurance needs, and will put a business insurance program in place that will deliver economy, superior protection, and risk management assistance.

Some products and services may not be available in your area.

Personal Insurance Products (Auto and Home Insurance)

  • Personal Package
    One policy, one bill equals convenience and enhanced protection. We can combine your auto, home and other coverage in one comprehensive policy. We can start now with just your auto or home and ‘package’ the other coverage when your current policy expires.
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  • Homeowner Insurance

    One little policy does a lot. A homeowner policy reimburses you for damage to your home from a variety of causes. If your home is totally destroyed or you cannot use it for a period of time, your homeowner policy will also cover that. The insurance extends to your home’s contents and liability for damage to property of others or injury caused to someone by you or a family member. Your policy can be personalized to include greater levels of protection for important property, home office situations, liability for boat ownership and additions and alterations to your residence.

  • Personal Auto Insurance
    You need to protect yourself should your vehicle be damaged or stolen. Just as important, you need insurance for liability – property damage or injury to others caused by you and other household members as a result of operating a motor vehicle. Other policy features include medical payment reimbursement and reimbursement for injury caused to you by an uninsured or inadequately insured driver. There are many special situations where you may need to customize your policy; examples include installation of custom audio equipment, business use of your auto and teenage and guest drivers, to name a few.
  • Antique, Classic and Customized Automobile Insurance
    Special autos come in all shapes, sizes and model years. We share you dedication to caring for and protecting your special vehicle. Let us help you care for your classic car by providing the policy that is right for it and you.
  • ATV Insurance
    Insurance is not required for your ATV but there are several situations where liability protection you have under other policies may not apply. Some states require insurance for ATVs operated on state-owned land and your homeowner policy may not protect you if you ride off your property. ATV Insurance can fill in these gaps and will reimburse you if your ATV is stolen or badly damaged. ATV Insurance includes Liability, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision coverage, much like an Auto Insurance Policy.
  • Boat Insurance
    One policy includes protection against loss to your boat, motors, trailers and equipment and liability for property damage or physical injury to others caused by you or other boat operators.
  • Dwelling Fire Insurance
    Dwelling Fire Insurance is designed to insure residences you own or have a financial interest in but do not live in. Common situations calling for this type of insurance coverage include rental homes, homes that are vacant because they are temporarily uninhabitable or are not currently occupied because of a transition caused by a sale or relocation. In these situations insurance protection is needed for the building but typically not for any contents. Liability insurance for the property can sometimes be added or may be handled through alternative approaches.
  • Farm and Ranch Insurance
    Farm and ranch insurance can be tailored to protect the part-time gentleman farmer to the full scale agribusiness. Plans can include protection for your personal and business assets and legal liability insurance for both personal and farming pursuits. To get a proposal suited to your individual needs, complete our Farm Quote Request form or use the contact link below. And of course, you can always call or stop by to learn more.
  • Flood Insurance
    Even if your home or business is located away from water or is covered by a homeowner or business insurance policy, you may still need Flood Insurance. Groundwater flooding can cause damage to buildings on higher ground many miles from a body of water and over 20 percent of flood insurance claims originate from areas that are not considered to be high flood-risk. Homeowner and business insurance policies generally exclude flood and related losses because of the catastrophic nature of floods. Affordable flood insurance protection is available and is often an important component of a sound insurance program.
  • Home Business
    More and more people are working from home or starting home-based businesses. A standard homeowner policy affords limited protection for property and liability risks arising from home business pursuits. We have a range of options and can pick the one that’s right for your business no matter how small, new or established.
  • Identity Theft
    Abduction of your personal information can result in financial loss ranging from a thief draining your bank accounts to new debt from fraudulently opened credit accounts. Protect yourself before you become a victim by taking necessary precautions and insuring potential loss.
  • Landlord Package Insurance
    Landlord’s face special risks that require special insurance protection. A few examples of losses or exposures that are covered in a Landlord Package Policy include: Loss of rent resulting from an insured loss; Buildings with one or several units; Varied residential or commercial occupancies; Legal liability resulting from the activities of tenants; and Uninsured or under-insured repairmen. Even though Landlord Package Insurance is primarily designed to protect you from loss to rental property it can, and should provide adequate insurance limits to protect your other assets from legal liability arising from rental activities. Even though renting residences to others is a business activity, many insurance companies will treat the renal of 4 or fewer units as a personal insurance matter.
  • Motorcycle Insurance

    Motorcycles have a higher rate of fatal accidents than automobiles. United States Department of Transportation data for 2005 from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System show that for passenger cars, 18.62 fatal crashes occur per 100,000 registered vehicles. For motorcycles this figure is higher at 75.19 per 100,000 registered vehicles, four times higher than for cars. Source.

    Motorcycle insurance covers most types of motorcycles including, cruisers, street sport, touring, high-performance bikes and scooters.

  • Personal Umbrella
    Sometimes the coverage limits in our automobile and homeowner policies are not enough. Litigation today results in more and more jury awards for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. An umbrella provides extra protection of $1 million or more.
  • Recreational Vehicle Insurance
    Your RV may be a motor home, travel trailer, fifth wheel or a camper. It’s not a house and it’s not a car and it needs special insurance protection so you can travel safely. We have products specially designed for the RV lifestyle.
  • Scheduled Personal Property
    Many of us have possessions that are not adequately protected by a standard homeowner policy. Examples include jewelry, antiques, oriental carpets, art work, sports equipment, collectibles and firearms. Scheduling important possessions gives you adequate levels of protection, coverage against broader causes of loss and no deductible.
  • Wedding Insurance
    Wedding costs today quickly climb into the tens of thousands of dollars. Unforeseen events resulting in the postponement or cancellation of a wedding, and last minute replacement of service providers can leave you with $10,000 or $20,000 in expenses and no wedding memories to show for it. Wedding Insurance gives you the peace of mind of knowing that, if wedding plans go awry, your wedding investment can stay protected.
  • Condo Insurance

    One little policy does a lot. A condominium insurance policy reimburses you for damage to your condo, from the walls in, and from a variety of causes. If your condo is totally destroyed or you cannot use it for a period of time, your condo owners policy will also cover that. The insurance extends to your condo’s contents and liability for damage to property of others or injury caused to someone by you or a family member. Your policy can be personalized to include greater levels of protection for important property, home office situations, liability for boat ownership and additions and alterations to your residence.

  • Renters Insurance

    One little policy does a lot. A renters policy covers all most all of your personal property in your apartment, and in some cases, out of your rental unit.  The insurance extends to your home’s contents and liability for damage to property of others or injury caused to someone by you or a family member. Your policy can be personalized to include greater levels of protection for important property, home office situations, liability for boat ownership.

Commercial Insurance (Business Insurance)

  • Alternative Market
    When traditional business insurance can’t provide the solution for your risk management needs we have a number of alternative markets and options we can employ. We can different ways to retain risk intelligently through the use of higher retention, retention groups or captive insurance programs. Or we can use bonds and securities as an alternative means of transferring risk.
  • Aviation Insurance
    Private aircraft owners’ and operators’ insurance needs differ depending on many factors like the number and type of passengers an aircraft will carry, aircraft value, how an aircraft is used and financial consequences of lawsuits filed against aircraft owners and pilots. We will take the time to understand your special needs and tailor a low cost, high quality aviation insurance program for you.
  • Bid Bond
    A Bid Bond is often required of a contractor for a specific project. The bond amount is a percentage of the total bid on project, typically 10%. The Bid Bond provides the owner of the project with some assurance that, if the contractor is ultimately awarded a contract based on his bid, he will enter into a contract with the owner of the construction project. In short, a Bid Bond is a guarantee that the bond holder will perform the work they have bid on.
  • Bonds
    Bonds come in several different varieties to fit different needs and situations. In general, bonds are meant to guarantee that one individual or entity will perform according to the specifications of a contract, ordinance or other requirement. Common types are Surety Bonds, Contract Bonds, Judicial and Probate Bonds and License and Permit Bonds.
  • Builders Risk Insurance
    Builders Risk Insurance is often used with a different term that describes what the insurance does – Course of Construction Insurance. Builders Risk Insurance covers a building, and typically all materials during construction. Protection can be extended for the work of individual contractors, architects and engineers. Optional coverage can often be added for costs not directly related to construction such as marketing, loss of income and delayed completion.
  • Business Auto Insurance
    Maybe your business owns vehicles or maybe you rent or lease them. Maybe you or your employees use personal vehicles to conduct business. If so, you need Business Auto Insurance. A Business Auto Insurance Policy protects your business against injury to others and damage to property as a result of business use of vehicles.
  • Business Owners Policy
    Think of it as homeowner insurance for your business. This type of policy is appropriate for many small and medium sized businesses. It conveniently includes many types of coverage like liability, building, business property and loss of income.
  • Commercial General Liability
    Your business faces exposure to loss from legal liability from a number of sources. The CGL provides broad protection from risks arising from your premises and operations, independent contractors and product liability, to name a few.
  • Commercial Package Policy
    A Commercial Package is a type of business package policy that bundles coverage together for several things including liability, property, boiler and machinery, crime and other optional coverage. The options available create flexibility that allow a Package to be customized for most kinds of business.
  • Commercial Property Insurance
    This type of policy provides protection from loss, due to a variety of perils, to all kinds of business property including: building structures, furniture, inventory, equipment, and supplies, money and securities and business records. If you have a larger or more complex business you may need the flexibility of insuring your business property through a Commercial Property Policy.
  • Commercial Umbrella Insurance
    Commercial Umbrella Insurance is sometimes used interchangeably with Excess Liability Insurance. The two are really different; an umbrella insurance policy will ‘reach down’ to provide coverage in gaps between other business insurance policies while a true excess insurance policy is intended to provide extra limits of insurance on top of coverage provided by other business insurance policies that are in place.
  • Contractors Bonds (Contractors Surety Bonds)
    There are several types of Surety Bonds for contractors: Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds, Payment Bonds, License Bonds and Supply Bonds are a few. In general, surety bonds assure a project owner that they can rely on contractor performance, ability to make payments to certain other parties (sub-contractors, e.g.), good faith bid submissions and so on. The issuer of sureties, usually an insurance company subsidiary, investigates the abilities of a contractor and, in the event of a valid claim, will make reimbursement for non-performance according to the terms of the surety.

    Information Needed for General Agreement of Indemnity:

    1. Federal ID Number of each corporation
    2. Full Name and Social Security Number of each stockholder and their spouses
    3. Home Address of each stockholder and their spouses
    4. Legal Name and Address of Corporation.
    5. For Bid Bond Purposes – State(s) of Incorporation
  • Contractors Liability
    Contractors have liability insurance needs unique to the building trade. We understand those needs and can find insurance protection to fit the budget of your business.
  • Crime Insurance
    Businesses are exposed to many types of loss not always covered in other types of business insurance policies. Crime Insurance indemnifies your business from embezzlement or theft by employees, forgery, hacking (electronic theft), theft of cash or securities by someone other than an employee or damage to your building or property caused by a burglary.
  • Crop Hail
    Annual crop losses due to hail are estimated at over $1 billion; one storm can wipe out an entire season’s harvest making hail damage one of the most serious risks to farm income. Crop Hail insurance is an effective way to mitigate hail damage risk to all or some of your farm production.
  • Cyber Liability Insurance
    Cyber Liability Insurance covers a range of loss exposures including damages due to loss or theft of client data, introducing a virus into another businesses’ network, and email transmitted libel. Your business may not be a ‘technology business’, but if you use technology to run your business – like email, networks, and the web, you have Cyber Liability exposures. Risk posed by cyber exposures changes quickly, and traditional insurance policies often are designed to protect your business from this new threat to your financial welfare. Talk to us about ways we can identify and cover your business’ cyber risks.
  • Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
    D & O Insurance, as it is commonly called, is essential to attracting, retaining top business management talent. Lawsuits against a business and its management for negligent or wrongful acts can be brought by any number of constituents like shareholders, customers or regulatory bodies. D & O Insurance will fill in gaps in primary business liability insurance and will protect the personal assets of the directors and officers.
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
    This kind of insurance provides insurance against liability for, as the name implies, employment practices. Protection, which will vary from policy to policy, covers a broad range of claims or lawsuits that might be brought by current or former employees or employment candidates. Just a few examples include sexual harassment, wrongful termination or discipline, wrongful failure to promote or hire, emotional distress, discrimination and invasion of privacy. Recent growth in employment practice litigation makes review of employment practices and insurance protection a necessity for most businesses today.
  • Environmental Liability Insurance
    Many business are exposed to lawsuits from pollution and environmental impairment from a variety of sources. Your business can be held liable for damage or injury due to pollution from business operations, the cost of clean up, or from the business location(s). There are several types of insurance to protect against these kind of claims.
  • Errors and Omissions Insurance
    Errors and Omissions Insurance is basically a type of Professional Liability Insurance. This insurance protection pays for liability claims resulting from damages due to failure to perform some duty for which the insured was trained or even just represented some specific expertise. Architects and insurance agents need Errors and Omissions Insurance as do information technology companies. The kind of Errors and Omissions protection needed vary greatly from business to business so insurance policies are often designed for specific business pursuits.
  • Farm and Ranch Insurance
    Farm and ranch insurance can be tailored to protect the part-time gentleman farmer to the full scale agribusiness. Plans can include protection for your personal and business assets and legal liability insurance for both personal and farming pursuits. To get a proposal suited to your individual needs, complete our Farm Quote Request form or use the contact link below. And of course, you can always call or stop by to learn more.
  • Fidelity Bond
    A Fidelity Bond protects bondholder clients from theft by employees of the bond holder. This type of bond is very close to traditional insurance – in this case it protects the employer/bond holder from employee dishonesty. Fidelity Bonds are often purchased by businesses employing high risk employees.
  • Fiduciary Bond
    Fiduciary Bonds provide guarantees that certain individuals in positions of trust will carry out duties faithfully and honestly. Fiduciary Bonds are often required by estate administrators, trustees, estate executors, and others. In some specific cases courts or statutory requirements may call for a Fiduciary Bond; in these situations the bond is often referred to as a Probate Bond, sometimes a Judicial Bond, and sometimes a Court Bond.
  • Garagekeepers Legal Liability Insurance
    General liability insurance policies, and even Garage Liability insurance policies are not intended to provide insurance protection for damage or loss to vehicles that have been left with your business (the legal wording: in your care, custody, or control). That’s where Garagekeepers liability coverage comes in; it is meant to protect a business from negligence causing damage to a customer’s vehicle. Some businesses that commonly need Garagekeepers liability insurance include auto dealers and repair shops, parking lots, hotels and restaurants with valet parking services, and towing services.
  • Garagekeepers Liability
    This is a comprehensive insurance product designed for businesses that sell, service, store or park road use vehicles. It includes liability insurance protection for damage to vehicles left in the care of the business. This protection extends to customer and non-customer vehicles. In addition, this type of insurance policy provides comprehensive liability for non-vehicle damages and injuries occurring on the business property.
  • Inland Marine Insurance
    Insurance for a variety of property in land transit as well as instrumentalities of transportation such as bridges or tunnels would seem to fit the name, Inland Marine Insurance, and this kind of property is in fact insured by this class of insurance. But the policies in this category also provide coverage for property under construction, construction equipment, scheduled property like jewelry, furs, tools and more that move about or fluctuate in value as well as instrumentalities of communication like broadcast towers.
  • Innkeeper’s Liability Insurance
    Innkeeper’s Liability Insurance pays for loss or damage to guest property while it is on the premises of an insured and in their possession. If you business involves lodging, no matter on what scale, this is an insurance protection that should be considered.
  • Landlord Package Insurance
    Landlord’s face special risks that require special insurance protection. A few examples of losses or exposures that are covered in a Landlord Package Policy include: Loss of rent resulting from an insured loss; Buildings with one or several units; Varied residential or commercial occupancies; Legal liability resulting from the activities of tenants; and Uninsured or under-insured repairmen. Even though Landlord Package Insurance is primarily designed to protect you from loss to rental property it can, and should provide adequate insurance limits to protect your other assets from legal liability arising from rental activities.
  • License Bond
    A License Bond guarantees the the bond holder will comply with the statutes and license requirements of the granting state. Contractors often need to secure License Bonds as do mortgage brokers (Mortgage Broker Bonds). Damages resulting from deliberate license and statutory non-compliance may be filed against the bond by any person ‘damaged’.
  • Liquor Liability Insurance
    Any establishment serving alcoholic beverages is exposed to lawsuits charging that liquor was served to an intoxicated person who may later have been involved in an accident. Liquor Liability Insurance is intended to protect food service businesses like restaurants, hotels, and even bed and breakfasts, from liability damages in such cases.
  • Ocean Marine Insurance
    A wide variety of ‘ocean’ risks can be protected by this policy form. Both inland and ocean going vessels and their cargo can be covered under Ocean Marine Insurance. Working boats and ships as well as pleasure craft and even offshore oil rigs fall under this category of protection. Coverage extends to vessels themselves as well as cargo and liability and can be purchased not only by the vessel or cargo owner but often by anyone with an interest in or responsibility for insurable property.
  • Payment Bond
    Payment Bonds are provided to the project owner by the contractor after a contract has been awarded. The Payment Bond is a guarantee that the contractor will cover bills for specific project labor and material.. A Payment Bond also acts as a guarantee to subcontractors and suppliers for payments due from the project owner.
  • Performance Bond
    Performance Bonds are provided by contractors to project owners after a contractor is awarded a bid (Performance Bonds are often preceded by Bid Bonds). The Performance Bond is a guarantee that the contractor will perform according to the project contract’s terms and specifications. The amount of the bond will vary but in many cases it will equal the full contract amount.
  • Product Liability
    You don’t have to manufacture a product to be liable for damages due to injury or loss related to that product. If you are in the business of supplying, selling, or even providing a repair service. There are also ‘products’ that we don’t normally think of as ‘products’, like the food served in a restaurant, that expose a business to product liability claims. Product Liability Insurance covers all kinds of businesses engaged in making, delivering , selling, or supporting almost any kind of product.
  • Professional Liability Insurance
    Any professional in any field is expected to possess skills and knowledge resulting from specialized training and experience. When a client or customer believes you have not conducted yourself according the standards of your profession or that you have been negligent in some way you can be sued. Standard business liability policies do not cover these situations. To supplement general liability protection you may need a specialty coverage known as Professional Liability Insurance or sometimes Errors and Omissions Insurance.
  • Public Entity Programs
    Cities, towns, counties, state and federal government entities face substantial risks that are unique. Fire and police departments, public recreation areas and equipment and road maintenance pose vastly different and challenging risk and insurance issues. We have the expertise and programs to find the right solution.
  • Special Events Insurance
    Today, any group, club, business, association or individual organizing an event is exposed to liability claims brought by spectators, participants, attendees, and contractors. Special Events Insurance is there to protect your business or organization from claims arising from events not covered in you general liability insurance policy. Special Event Insurance is often required by auditoriums, parks and other venues where events are held. Coverage can be tailored to the duration, size, activities, and nature or your individual event.
  • Trucking Insurance
    A trucking operation may need insurance for Physical Damage to trucks and trailers, Primary Auto Liability – even on leased rigs, General Liability for property damage or personal injury when a truck is not involved, Non-Trucking Liability for drivers and trucks not under dispatch and Non-Owned Trailer Liability. We can handle it all.
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance
    This type of insurance pays for medical and rehabilitation expenses for workers injured on the job. Lost wages are also covered. Each state governs the compensation details, including the amounts paid. This is often a mandatory type of insurance.

Individual Health & Financial Products

  • Life Insurance (Individual)
    Life insurance is an essential part of any financial program. A variety of policies and limits can be used to pay off a mortgage, cover future education expenses, fund a business buy-sell agreement and more. The type of policy and limits you need will depend on your financial goals.


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