Tool Box

At Griffin MacLean Insurance Brokers we want you to have confidence in your insurance program. You can always call us or use a number of convenient and personalized resources on our website. Anything you do can be saved in your customized Insurance Zone. Our privacy policy puts you in control; use the tools, save the results for future reference and we only follow up if you request it because your information stays yours until you need and want to share it.

Login to My Secure Insurance Zone

Customize and save information and results from online calculators. Communicate with us securely and track those communications. Don’t have a Zone set up? Go ahead, create one today. You don’t have to be a customer, it’s free and it will only take a minute to set up.

Set Up a Secure Insurance Zone Account.

Policy Service

Need to make a change to your policy? Let us know about it and we’ll take care of everything.

Personal Risk Wizard

Get a better idea of the level of insurance protection that might be right for you today. Save the results and come back to them as your lifestyle and needs change.

Personal Property Wizard

Let us help you understand what it might cost to replace your valuable personal possessions in two to three minutes. Our online estimator includes tips to customize your estimate and your insurance coverage.

Personal Annual Review Wizard

Gifts, purchases, job change, alterations to your home and more might mean your insurance program needs some dusting up. We make it easy to review important changes.

Our Blog

Check out our archive of valuable articles and check lists or let us inform you when new information is available that might be of interest to you – you specify the categories.

Insurance Quotes

When you need an insurance quote we make it quick and painless. We integrate our Wizards with Auto and Home quotes to help you get quotes on relevant protection options. Of course, it’s free.

Home Replacement Cost Questionnaire

We want to make sure your home is fully protected. The information on this form will allow us to estimate the replacement cost of your home.

Claim Manager

Available only through your Insurance Zone. If you have an auto or homeowner claim we will make sure your claim sails through the process and will remove any mystery by keeping you up to date each step of the way.


Need to check an insurance related word or term? We’ve got them here.

Insurance FAQs

Need a quick answer to a question? We have them here. If we don’t, our FAQ Guru will get one for you. Just ask. If you want, you can receive an insurance fact each month through our FAQ of the Month service.

Insurance Videos

We have an extensive library of educational videos available for you and we encourage you to share what you have learned about safety, loss prevention and insurance with others. If you would like to know when we have added new videos or other related information, we’ll be happy to send you an update email.


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